MTOE rev 09 and 10 update training

Amount of Students: 26
Teacher: Aviation Competence Centre (EASA 147: NL.147.7176)
Released: 06-03-2016
Price (excl VAT): Free for members

Certificate: Must pass quizzes in avg of 75%


This is an online course about the changes to the Maintenance Training Organization Exposition, resulting in the new revision 08. The course is developed by the Quality Assurance Manager of the Aviation Competence Centre. It takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete this course. 

Price (excl VAT)

This course is FREE for members!



Prerequisites: Inital training in the MTOE procedures.

We recommend to download the MTOE rev 10 on Fronter and keep it as reference beside the course. 

This course is FREE for members!  
This course is FREE for members!