EWIS Target Group 4&6 (Initial & Continuation)

Amount of Students: 7
Teacher: Holland Aviation Consultancy & Engineering
Released: 01-02-2016
Price (excl VAT): € 50.00

Certificate: Finish all lessons and pass final exam
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This course is developed with Annex III to ED Decision 2008/007/R of 29/08/2008 EASA AMC 20-22 Appendix A as reference, and the course is created with the intention to improve the level of EWIS awereness for Qualified staff performing general maintenance/inspections not involvinng wire maintenance (LRU change is not considered wire maintenance) or other service staff with duties in proximity to electrical wiring interconnection systems.This course takes about 3 hours to complete

Price (excl VAT)

Subscription period Price (excl VAT)
3 Months: € 50



This is a Target Group 4  Initial and Continuation training course. There are no prerequisites for this course.

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